Sunday, November 05, 2006

Women can !!!

These days, most of the days were raining. The sky was heavy with cloud, grey and thick. Like it is going to blanket u, leaving u with no breath. The only entertainment that we have apart from the TV news and 8pm thru 11pm sitcom, we were observing how people manuvour the giant trucks behind our apartment narrow alley.

This afternoon, there was this lady who drove a truck to pick up a loaded Ring-A-Binn bin filled with next door tree trunks and leave and what ever debris they managed to gather from the surrounding of the house. At first I was not so sure it was a woman or man, can't tell from the oversized cloth and the big rain coat that he/she were wearing. After she had covered the bin with a giant canvas and crawled back to the driver seat, I was confirmed that it was a her with nice curly golden hair. She moved the bin loader arm with skill and at the same time have to manuvour the big truck to load the giant bin in position. No problem at all !!!

I waved bye-bye to her from the balcony window and urged Dylan to did the same. As usual, he only waved when the truck was out of sight. :)

Friday, November 03, 2006

秋天 还是 冬天

近来雨多了 夜也长了
下午五点多 天空就已黑了
隔天七点早上 天就亮了

想要出去的话 要得想一想
等巴士 有时要等上半句钟
手脸都冷了 虽然我们都全副武装

没有雨的日子 天气更冷了
温暖机温度调到三十度 所以硕不知到底有多冷
早上起床了 第一件事就是去看一下有没有下雪
啊 邻居的车镜有一层白霜
在看看下 地上也有一些白霜的痕迹呢
太兴奋了 机刹的排了几张相片

天气报告说 这是十一月的天气