Wednesday, May 27, 2009


今早,奶妈对我说,儿子好像最近长高了很多。我就答说,‘每有啊!不觉得呀!’奶妈说,她这么讲是因为她的孙女儿才高他一点点而已!他说,Dylan 每天奔奔跳跳,很快长大。



我在美国的老朋友说,我还要这样忍耐七八年呢! 哀!

Monday, May 25, 2009



我把车拍在Bdr Tun Razak站. 等了半句钟,车才来.

我们到Hang Tuah 站换车,改搭单轨车到Bukit Bintang站下车.
一踏步进旷场,一间一间店看得我头昏眼花... 是在太多东西看了.


正如姐姐所说,Vinci隔壁店有卖RM9.90 的袜子.还好钱包里还有一张五十块.就买了四对得袜子.原来很多店是不收卡的.以后如果在来,要记的按钱了!

买了Auntie Anne 给儿子当晚餐,儿子说累了,我们就回家了还要等一回的公车,天气是在太热了.我们俩都汗流浃背.




Thursday, May 21, 2009


我活到这把年纪了, 开始感到闷了。





四年的今天,我怀孕了, 正当开开心心的去见未来的宝宝,医生说, 我的宝宝没有心跳声.

到现在, 还拿不定主意,是不是该停工了.不过,我真想要多一个孩子(虽然有时被他气得要死). 最好是一个小孩.

同一个时候,又想着, 是不是该做点不一样的事情, 来填补空虚的心灵.

所以最近就自己开始运动. 周日做做暖身运动,一边叮咛儿子读书. 周末 近行了 二十分钟的慢跑. 这样也算对得起自己的身体.
上个星期, 跟了一队朋友到附近的士毛月山爬山了. 很久没有那种开心的感觉了.

我有一些朋友,和我一样年级,还未婚. 她也过得不错. 整天飞来飞去. 羡煞旁人了. 他们 羡幕我有家庭,有儿有女(正在规划中!).

人生就是如此. 人比人, 何时了!

所以,我打算从今以后自己按排节目, 和朋友多多到处玩玩, 不再为家庭而忘了生活!!


Monday, May 18, 2009

Broga Hill Treking

Just before mother's day, one of my ex-colleague, Kenny Tan from Getronics Solution tagged me in Facebook. Later he send an invitation to join him and his team on a trip to Broga Hill, Semenyih, just minutes away from Sg Long. Only then, I found out that he is just leaving nearby at Bdr Mahkota Cheras. I straight-away agree to take up this 'expedition' !! I was on a series of getting fit regime since my mis-carriage in April. And how could I miss this chance to get out and blend with nature.
At previous nite, I set my alarm clock at 4:40 am. And that nite, I have a sleepness nite and actually had a dream that I will miss the trip. And when there was an SMS waking me up, it was already 4:50 pm. Oh no ! I was actually going to miss the trip. Luckily, Kenny send an SMS to greet every body good morning. I just loved him !! And also luckily I bother to wake up to check the message instead of waiting for my alarm to ring too !
I quickly wake up to wash my face and brushed my teeth and I was ready to get out and breaking several red light to reach Kenny's house by 5:15 am. Danny Pek was already there. I was hoping they were not waiting for me. Apparently they were waiting for another car to come. And by the time we started off, it was 5:40 am, a bit off schedule according to Kenny.
He was using SILK highway to Semenyih. This is the first time I used this road. And kenny asked me do i have fear factor on speedy !! hehehe...
We reached Nottingham Campus entrance around 5:50 am where all the cars had their double light on. There were more cars not yet arriving. Kenny decided that we shouldn't wait for them here. So off we went again to our destination. My group of colleagues from consolsys already waiting there for me.
While kenny was waiting for other people to arrive, I join the teams who started their journey to the top. Alas, we turned into a wrong junction and were only realized when there is no more trek in-front. I had to call up Kenny for some confirmation. We had to turned back to the junction. I was a bit tired already... All the people were so energetic and I was trying to pace up with them. hehehe... On the way up, I felt myself started panting already. Have to stop my self several times to rest my tiring leg. The day before I was jogging in the evening too. I took about 1 hours 30 minutes to reach some top .. hehehe, not the other top. I guessed I will just come another time to conquer to other one. We tooks several pictures up there and I am going to post it in my facebook to share with my friends.
After the hike, we went to visit a Temple neaerby. I had no energy to climb up the step. Stomach is already grumbling and I was wondering when Kenny will bring us to have our breakfast. I had a whole bowl of curry mee minus the curry soup and a glass of ice limau. Then I was re-plenished!!
I reached home at around 11 am. Dylan was resting at the couch, having little to eat in the morning. I got no energy also to fed for me .. that I was sorry... hahaha... I took a quick shower and then by 1pm I was dozing off at the living room, without caring if Dylan had his lunch or not.

Broga Hill, see u in another day !!