Monday, September 14, 2009

Computer Aided Education

Recently, I have come to know that u really can't run away from computer role in education. It is everywhere.
First time I know the importance of it is when I start looking for printed material to teach phonic to my son. And I found this StarFall website that have a have variety of teaching material. But that of coz u have to do it online.
Next exposure was when I was invited to attend a seminar held by Tick Tock Beat organized by We Share We Care Educationist group. The main aim is to learn how to encourage study in school student. This group are all composed of top grade students in the country. At last, the method that they introduce are not other than a series of computer aided class material that complement school syllabus.
Today, I recieved an email from the Asipirasi Book Store that I joined not long ago. It was about a talk by WaWaYaYa sales team and it had a YouTube link. It was also another computer aided learning literature on how to master maths 'happily'.

Except the first one, the other later two are all using gaming method to encourage student to do the course. They are using the playful mind set to encourage study. One of the games looks rather violent t me though.

All this while, I was rather against kids to spent hours of time in computer especially for leisure purpose. Dylan has been exposed to computer aid teaching in Q-dees also. I guess it is a force that you cannot denied. Computer is every where and we as parent just have to make sure we put a good use to it.

All this analysis and make up my mind to sign up for the broadband service at my home. The only available service to me right now is Streamyx.
Below are the package that is offered to me from Jelly Chin( 016-8853711), a distributor for TM.

Combo 1: 384kbps @RM 60 / month
Combo 2: 512kbps @RM 90 / month
Combo 3: 1Mbps @RM 110 / month
Combo 4: 2Mbps @RM 140 / month
Combo 5: 4Mbps @RM160 / month

I think I will go for the combo 1 to try it out. Good luck to me !!

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