Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Life is full of UPs and DOWNs

Dylan is not a very attentive kid. In the last TTB class, he was fascinated with the hoo-la-hop that was given out to every one in the class. He started to only want to play with it his way and discrupt the class. Ms Lee finally took his hoo-la-hop away. :( sign... I hope his manner and attention span can be improved. Read some article on ADHD kids who is hyperactive. I hope he doesn't fall into that category. Some articles says fish liver oil that has DHA will help... well I always forgot to feed him that. Guess I will need to be persistant from now on.

Meal time is extremely stress ful for me. Don't know if he didn't like the food or just plain stubborn. He always keep food in his mouth without chewing it. That has make me lose temper. His meal time dragged like 3 hours. So the half day of the sunday was gone oredy .... ahhhhhhhhh...........

Yesterday after shower, he pull down the pillow from the bed to the mattress on the floor. Then he lied on the tummy and said want to see fish :) Well, that fish in Yahoo IMenvironment that shows up when I was chatting to hywong28 id the nite before. :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

First Tick Tock Beats Class

Last Saturday(10 Nov 2007), Dylan went for his first Tick Tock Beats Class. He was placed in Ms Lee class. He was all excited going to Tick Tock Beats centre when we reached there. Altho I had a rough time asking him to finish his breakfast so that we can be there on time for 9:30 am class. =)

He was at first can follow what Ms Lee instructed to do with her music. He still didn't understand what is 'cross-leg' and had his leg stretch out all the time. Ms Lee praised him when he followed what she did. Only until playing tricks with soft ball that he was finally losing some attention. Instead of sitting down doing what teacher was doing, he wanted to kick the ball =) He liked the part when asked to sleep on the floor and a triangle bell is 'ding' at his ears. :)

Tick Tock Beats class is once a week and the fee is paid per term which consists of 3 months. Initial fee is RM 232 + RM 30 + RM 40 = RM302. There are drama class and piano lessons for older kids.

Ms Lee made some comments on Dylan behaviour. She described him as a bright kid who can pick thing up faster than any kids. However, he doesn't have enough patient. So I may require to accompany in him the class to assert some controls over him. The other kids who is 1 month older than Dylan however has a opposite behaviour than Dylan. In his case, his mother may not necessary have to accompany him in future class.

Well, we shall see again how he behaves in subsequent class !!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Train Toy Obsession - REALLY!!

Yesterday during lunch time, me and Farokh went to Isetan in KLCC and bought another set of Tomy Toy Train - Tomy and the Bertie for Dylan. Our colleague was joking if it is for Farokh to play or is for Dylan. Farokh told his colleague, he will have to ask permission from Dylan if he can play with his toy or not. hahahaa..

We were trying to speculate what will be his reaction when he saws his new train. The new set has compartment that was to hook to the engine. Now his train has 2 compartment. While Farokh was busy settiing up the new set, Dylan was happily engaged with the new train on the old track.

Once the tracks were setup, oh my, he was crazily obcessed with controlling the track. When the bed time came - 11:30 PM oredy... (coz I was catching up with my series ;P) , he still doesn't want to switch off the engine. I hv to force him to shut it down.

During the nite, I guess he was dreaming of the train too !!! Coz he wake up crying... supposingly don't want to be parted with his train. Then this morning, the first words he mention when he opened his eyes was 'train ah' then straight away crawled down the bed to go downstair in order to continue playing with his train. :) ..... Luckily he was obedient when i told him that he can play with it when he came back tonite :) And after saying bye-bye with his train, I sent him to the nanny's house :) ...