Monday, December 20, 2010

Emotional Kid

I guess my son is an emotional human as me. When the sleeping time is coming and there is nothing that is occupying his brain, he will recall all the things that is happening during his day. And mummy is a good place to share his day. What does his friend said or did, what song had he learnt today, what colour of his friend's birthday cake, why his teacher always angry him, how jie-jie had to go upstairs and play up there, instead of playing with him.

Before that if I asked what he did at school or nanny place, his standard answer is Nothing :).

I hope he will always remember he can always talk to me although I am a fierce mum during the days :)

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Swimming milestone

Yesterday was another Maal Hijrah public holiday. I brought Dylan to the club for a swim. It had been 3 months past since we deep into that pool. Raining and the obsession to play with his bike is the main reason. The day was not hot and there is a lot clear cloud that shun the sunlight. So I thought is a good time to try for a swim.

I purposely didn't bring his round float and instead I brought his arm float and flat float. Dylan is a big boy now. He didn't complain when I asked him to put on his arm-float. We tried it on the kid pool for a start. After a few tries, he threw away his flat float and was happily paddling away with his arm float. I am so proud of him... And suddenly he said he can put his head into the water and see the water underneath !! He was quite please with himself. He said, mummy, u didn't say U are proud of me ah.. hahaha.. Yes, he likes re-assurrance... Of coz, he had swallowed a few mouth of pool water. He asked me if the pool water will be finished by him or not ... hahaha... so funny. Of coz, it won't, silly... Then how the water will be finished ? Well, when they drain the water for pool cleaning la... hahaha...

I hope his love for swimming will sustain so that he can improve on it... Good job, boy!

Happy Mum.